Some of us just wish we could take our dogs everywhere. The store, out to eat, the beach. What about on your boat? You know they’ll love it! But there are some steps you’ll want to take to get your pup ready for the open water. Not every dog is meant for the seafaring life. Follow our tips to discover how to take dogs on boats. Get ready though, once they realize how much they love it, you’ll never get them off.

Test Run

As with anything you try the first time, you want to do a test run. The first time you tried riding a bike, you didn’t go screaming down a hill. So you don’t want your dog to feel like they’ve been thrown straight into something completely new. You need to take baby (or should we say puppy?) steps with them. Don’t plan a big trip your first time taking them to the boat. Don’t even plan to head out. Start by taking your dog onto the boat, get them familiar with it before you . See how they feel being on it. If they seem stressed and the boat isn’t even in motion, you may need to think twice. If they seem calm and comfortable, you should be good to go!

Safety First

Everyone on board your vessel should have a life vest, including your dog. There are special pet vests just for your pooch. It’s a good idea, in case they decide to take a leap off the side. The first few times you take them, you’ll want to keep them held on a leash.

Provide Shade and Water

Your dog is pretty much wearing a fur coat, now think how hot they must be in the direct sun. Make sure your vessel has some bit of shade for your pet. You will also need to bring plenty of water for the humans and dogs on board. Don’t forget a bowl!

Nature Calls

It calls at just the worst times, doesn’t it? It’s a good idea to have some potty training pee pads on board just in case they can’t hold it in. There aren’t many places for a dog to go on a boat, so this is your best bet.

Did we forget anything? Let us know your dog boating tips and tricks! And to ensure you have a safe journey to your destination, don’t forget to pick up at Waterproof Chart for whatever body of water you will be jetting through.