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Ship Markings & What They Mean
Believe it or not, the markings on the side of commercial ships are not just there for decorative purposes. All of the ship markings have a purpose, and many of them help to identify the vessel and its capabilities. Without that information, it would...
Boat Maintenance Tips
If you happen to own a boat, then you must be well aware of the fact that whatever the size of your boat, maintenance is of top priority. Regular maintenance checks, small repairs every now and then, and a good polish in between will ensure that your boat...
Top Lake Fishing Tips
Lake fishing involves fishing in a relatively calm body of water. Because the territory is still and bound by land, chances of success in lake fishing are higher. The use of a boat depends on the size of the lake. The lakes in the United States keep their...
Top Coastal Fishing Tips
Coastal fishing or saltwater fishing is a broad term for fishing in the ocean. It can be done from the shore or on a boat in between the seas. Some of the common saltwater fish that can be captured are cod, sharks, snappers, marlins, mackerels, flounders...
Hurricane Season: How Navigation Charts Are Being Used To Rescue
The hurricane season has seen its share of devastating disasters first with Harvey, then Irma and Maria. Hurricane Harvey, called the most expensive hurricane ever, is believed to have caused damage worth at least $180 billion. Barbuda, Cuba and Puerto Rico were the...
Seven Must Have Navigation Tools
The sextant and the quadrant were the quintessential navigation tools that Columbus and later sailors used to navigate around the world. The quadrant was used to locate the North Star and a string would align with a degree marking indicating the angle between the...
Best Waterproof Charts To Use In Coastal Florida
When it comes to navigating the Coastal Florida areas for recreational or commercial fishing, nothing beats the utility of waterproof charts. Being tear proof and water resistant, these charts are ideal for exploring the nautical miles off Florida. Here are two of the...
Understanding Aids to Navigation
Do you plan on boating along the U.S. coastline or the Inland Waterways? Understanding the aids to navigation will assist you in having a safe and hassle-free trip. Aids to navigation are the road signs of the waterways. Aids to navigation are the same type of...
Are You Ready For A Coast Guard Vessel Safety Check?
Whether you’ve had your boat for a while or you just bought your first boat, a free coast guard vessel safety check can save you heartache and maybe just save your like and that of your loved ones. Just about any place you boat be it on inland lakes or rivers or along...
Rule of Twelfths
When you need to know approximately how much water is below your boat at a particular time of day, in a particular place, and you have access to the tide tables, the "Rule of Twelfths" will serve you well. It's an easy-to- use guide for...
Sailboat General Equipment Terms
Equipment Terms Auxiliary - A sailboat's engine, or a sailboat with an engine Ballast - The weight in a sailboat's keel, sometimes in a centerboard, that helps keep the boat from heeling too much Beam - The width of the boat at its widest point Bitter end - The free...
Navigation Rules/Rules of the Road
Pecking order of vessels. There is a basic order, in the navigation rules, that governs who stays out of the way of whom. Essentially, the hardest to maneuver vessels are stand-on while the easiest to maneuver vessels are give-way. In the following list vessels...

Custom Canvas Charts
By popular demand! Professional, custom printed canvas prints at affordable prices! Ready to hang! The price includes the canvas print, labor, and FREE SHIPPING directly to the continental US. Call us for shipping prices to other locations!
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