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Rules of Thumb for Tides: 50/90, Thirds, Twelfths
Rule of 50/90 is used to estimate current speed at the end of each hour of the six-hour tidal period 50/90 Rule gives you "… the SPEED OF THE CURRENT at the end of each hour." Counting from slack, the current will flow at 50% of its maximum speed at the end of the...
Great Fishing Gifts for Fishermen
If you are as obsessed with fishing as we are at Waterproof Charts, you always ask for fishing gear during holidays. We have the fishing gifts you are going to want during Christmas, Hanukkah, or your birthday. And if you aren’t a fisherman, you will want to get this...
Bass Fishing Facts You’ll Want to Share
We all love the feeling of learning a new, surprising fact. Then we go out and tell a friend, and watch their reaction, usually awe. As kids, many of us read those Guinness World Record books then told everyone in class about the person who could hold their breath...
Night Fishing Tips
If you have never gone night fishing, you are in for an experience. It takes a bit of planning before you head out, but once you are out there in the dead of night, don’t be surprised if you start getting lots of bites. Night fishing can be dangerous for the...
Top Fishing Apps
When we go to fish, we tend to want to get away from it all. You leave the laptop, the kids, the tv, and stress at home. But most of us will still carry our phones. We may not answer them, but we have them just in case. If you carry your phone on fishing trips, you...
Freshwater Fish to Catch Besides Bass
We all love reeling in a lunker, those huge bass that bend your rod and give you a good fight. Many of us that focus on freshwater fishing tend to go after only largemouth and smallmouth bass. But there are tons of other freshwater fish to catch! Do you know about...
The Different Types of Fishing Line
The difference between you landing a trophy, and losing it, is the line. If that line breaks, you’re toast. But some beginning anglers don’t even think much about line. They head to the tackle shop or sporting goods store and prefer to gawk at the rods, reels, and...
Bowfishing Basics
If you haven’t caught on to the latest fishing (or is it hunting?) trend, you need to catch up! Bowfishing is sweeping the fishing and hunting world. It combines elements of fishing with bow hunting. The object is to sight fish using a specialized bow. This sport is...
Spearfishing Gear
Spearfishing is like spear hunting underwater. If you dive and enjoy fishing or hunting, you will want to try this out. It can be a great way to change up your typical weekend outing, and a new sport where you can meet friends. But there are a few tips and precautions...
10 Best Fishing Quotes
Quotes can help us see something in a new light. They make sense to us, and make us think. Some quotes seem so obvious that we say “Man, I’ve thought of that!”. Quotes can help us understand almost everything in our lives. Even fishing! There are tons of fishing...
Boat Accessories
You save up and finally get your boat! You can’t imagine anything better. You head out on the water every weekend, invite the family and friends, and have a great time. But then you start noticing something. Your boat needs more. You see the gear and boat accessories...
World Record Fish
Don’t we all want to be the one to set a world record? Who doesn’t want to catch the largest marlin, or fattest bass? That’s something many of us strive for, although 99.9% of us probably won’t break any records. It’s a tough feat. It’s a mix of luck, skill, and...

Custom Canvas Charts
By popular demand! Professional, custom printed canvas prints at affordable prices! Ready to hang! The price includes the canvas print, labor, and FREE SHIPPING directly to the continental US. Call us for shipping prices to other locations!
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